
Based on data from three German forest ecosystems severely disturbed by windthrow events, correlation patterns between NO3 − and SO4 2− dynamics in the soil solution are described. Each of the correlation types was related to site-specific SO4 2− retention processes. The relative importance of SO4 2− adsorption/desorption and precipitation/dissolution was found to be different for the studied soils depending on their contents of SO4 2− -adsorbing sesquioxides and of A1 hydroxy sulfate minerals. Enhanced NO3 − concentrations in the soil solution resulting from excess nitrification promoted either SO4 2− adsorption or the dissolution of Al hydroxy sulfates. Both processes result in different ecological consequences: Whereas the former reaction reduces anion concentration peaks in the soil solution, the latter increases them. Thus, a prediction of cation export from soil ecosystems subjected to excess nitrification has to regard site-specific interrelationships between NO3 − and SO4 2−. As a third type of conelation the independence of NO3 − and SO4 2− concentrations in the soil solution is presented. This type is suggested to be typical for soils with low SO4 2−. adsorption capacity and absence of A1 hydroxy sulfates.

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