
对湖区现有气象和水文资料作相关分析后得出,影响青梅湖水位或水量的主要气象因子是前期降水量、当年蒸发量、水汽压饱和差及融冰期开始后的气温。影响湖周水系流量的气象因子则视发源地远近而异:源于近处的短程河溪的流量受制于当时降水量;源于冰山雪岭的较长河流的流量,由发源地及其流域的固态水储量和当时热状况而定。;The correlation analysis is carried out based on the meteorological and hydrological data available(1959-1988).The results show that the main meteorological factors affecting the Qinghai Lake water level are the previous yearns precipitation, annual evaporation, vapor pressure saturation difference and ice thawing temperature especially in May.Those factors come in the following order (together with their phases) according to their contribution to the Qinghai Lake water level: (1) the previous year's rainfall (positive),(2) the annual evaporation (negative),(3) vapor pressure saturation difference (negative), and (4) mean temperature in May (positive).The meteorological factors to influence the waters around Qinghai Lake differ with the distance from their origins.The water flow of those shorter and more distantly originated rivers (for example, the Shaliu River) is directly determined by the newly arrived rainfall; the water flow of those longer rivers (such as Buha River) which originate in the icy and snowy mountaineous regions is determined by the on-the-spot heat conditions of the origins and solid water reserve of the catchment.

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