
Due to significant digital mobile device penetration around the world, many conventional media broadcast outfits use YouTube as a synergising channel. Understandably, what is herein coined as “YouTube-Casting” is usually intended to reach audiences who are assumed to view media contents via small-smart device screen -other than regular television sets. One may readily assume that YouTube-Casting is beneficial for conventional news dissemination towards partisan politics information awareness. In view of the resounding significance of contemporary partisan politics -which is usually tension filled, and can drive passions, conventional television ideological information exposure on mobile sophisticated attractive smart digital screens via YouTube is growing. However, knowledge of the correlation between YouTube-Casting exposure to political information disseminated by conventional news organisations and partisan political awareness is limited. This research stems from such curiosity. While YouTube doubles as social media where people get exposed to entertainment among other light-hearted media contents, it remains doubtful how conventional television breast contents synergised via YouTube do offer partisan political information. This article -stemming from recruited survey research method that is built around the uses and gratification and rational choice theories found that audience research and ethical profiling is critical towards understanding phoned-based attitudes for enhanced efficient media convergence strategies. Digital channels such as YouTube, automatically provides for access to audiences towards dissemination of partisan political information. However, exposure to YouTube-Casting does not guarantee partisan Political awareness.

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