
High-resolution scanning with Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence Analysis (SRXFA) was applied to investigate element distributions in tree rings. Two cores of Siberia Larch have been investigated with resolution 100–200 mkm. Two groups of elements in tree rings with different trends have been found. The members of the first group are Br, Zn, Cl, whose trends correlate with each other. Moreover, trends of Br, Zn, Cl in tree rings are similar to the trend of atmosphere precipitation in the region investigated. Other group of elements are represented by K, Ca, Sr, Mn, Fe, but their trends differ sufficiently from trend of elements of the first group. Extended fixation of elements in tree rings is observed for elements of the first group over the whole interval investigated (150 years). In contrast, elements of the second group mainly accumulate in external part of tree stem.

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