
Abstract: The Correlations Perception of Teaching and Teacher Professionalism Against Climate Communication with Teacher Performance Madrasah Persatuan Amal Bakti 2 Helvetia Deli Serdang. Thesis : Graduate Program, State University of Islamic North Sumatera Medan, 2019. This study aimed to determine: (1) the correlations the teacher’s perception of the professionalism of teacher with teacher performance, (2) communication of climate relationship with teacher performance, and (3) perceptions of teachers to teacher professionalism and communication climate together with teacher performance. The method used in this research is descriptive method with this type of research is correlational research because of the relationship between the study variables. The population in this study were all teachers who teach in Madrasah Persatuan Amal Bakti 2 Helvetia Deli Serdang totaling 126 people. Determination of the sample in this study using the nomogram Herry King with an error rate of 5%, and assisted with Table Isaac and Michael, the sample size in this study were as many as 95 people. Data collection instrument was a questionnaire and the technique used is regression analysis and correlation. The findings of this study are: (1) there is a significant correlations between the perception of teachers on Teacher Professionalism with teacher performance is indicated by a correlation of 0.711 with the equation of the regression line v = 47,305 + 0,3086 X 1 ; (2) there is a significant correlations between climate communication with teacher performance is indicated by the correlation coefficient of 0.541 the equation of the regression line v = 46,168 + 0,396 X 2 ; (3) there is a significant relationship between teachers’ perceptions of the professionalism of the Teaching and Climate Communication together with teacher performance, demonstrated by multiple correlation coefficient Ry.12 = 0.767 with the regression line equation. v = 11,65 + 0,136X 1 + 0,218X 2 . The coefficient of determination shows the results of 0.589 this means 58.9% of the variation that affects the teacher’s performance can be explained by the perception of teachers on Teacher Professionalism and Climate Communication. Based on the findings in this study, the teachers need to perceive the Teacher Professionalism in Teaching Professionalism positive because at its core is the assistance provided to all school staff to develop teaching and learning situations better. Furthermore, the teacher is expected to be able to manage their emotions to improve communication climate that will ultimately improve their performance.

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