
A B S T R A C TIntroductionOlder people tend to have decreased activity and intake of macronutrients andmicronutrients that are not in accordance with the body's needs. Research in 2017on elderly men and women at the Center for Family Compensation (PUSAKA) inCentral Jakarta showed that 80.2% of elderly people have vitamin D deficiency. Lowserum levels of vitamin D in the body are the initial risk of decreased muscle massand physical performance in old age. where there is a significant correlation betweenlow serum vitamin D levels in the body with sarcopenia and mortality. The purposeof this study was to determine the correlation of vitamin D levels with muscle mass,muscle strength and physical performance in the elderly community at RSMHPalembang. Methods This research is a study analytic observation with a cross-sectional approach that was carried out at the Integrated Geriatric Clinic InternalMedicine RSMH Palembang from November 2019 to November 2020. A sample of 34people aged> 60 years were examined for muscle mass, muscle strength, physicalperformance and serum vitamin D levels. All processing and analysis The data inthis study used SPSS version 25 for Windows. Results From 34 subjects, it wasfound that there were 29 women (85.3%) and 5 men (14.7%). The mean value ofmuscle mass is38.76 ± 4.1 kg / m2, long runs within 6 meters 6.12± 0.9 m / sec,and hand grip strength 24.9 ± 5.2 kg. It was found that 18 (62.1%) female sampleshad vitamin D deficiency while 11 (37.9%) samples had vitamin D insufficiency.There was a significant correlation between muscle mass and hand grip strengthwith vitamin D with weak correlation strength and length of walking with vitamin Dwith moderate correlation strength.Conclusion There is a significant correlationbetween muscle mass and grip strength and walking time of 6 meters with vitaminD.

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