
The paper is devoted to lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic subdivision of the Silurian deposits of 358 m total thickness in the 25-Kotyuzhiny structural well and its comparison with the stratotypic Dniester section of the Silurian system in accordance with Legend to the geological map of Ukraine, the Volyn-Podolsky series of 1: 200 000 scale, consistent with the latest modernization of Silurian stratigraphic charts. The described section is a parastratotype for Silurian litho-stratons of the Kovel-Khotyn structural and facies zone and a reference one for Silurian deposits in the central part of this zone. The Silurian in the 25-Kotyuzhiny well is represented by the lower (Llandoverian and Wenlockian stages) and upper (Ludlovian and Przhidolian stages) series. According to the lithological-facies composition and sedimetantaion conditions during Silurian times, there are 3 major completed stages of sedimentation as transgressive-regressive cycles, corresponding to the the Yarugian, Malinovetsian and Rukshinian series, which are quite clearly subdivided into 10 suites and 12 sub-suites. In correlation with the Dniester reference section, litho-stratons of the Silurian are characterized mainly by carbonate and clay-carbonate composition, relative stable thickness and facies pattren, diversity of fauna with a predominance of shallow benthic forms. The well is characterized by bituninous manifestations indicating hydrocarbon potential of the area and its prospectivity for shale gas accumualtions in the formations of the upper Silurian in particular.

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