
Introduction: Temporal bone fractures in adults are invariably due to motor vehicle accidents or road traffic accidents. Hearing loss is a common complaint following temporal bone fractures, but attention to it is frequently overlooked as there may be other life-threatening complications associated with it that may require immediate attention of the caregiver. Immediate detection of temporal bone fracture and its complications helps in providing early and effective treatment. Aim: The main objective of our study is to observe various types of fractures on multidetector computed tomography (CT), difference between various types, and classification of fractures of temporal bone with correlation between types of fracture and clinical hearing loss. Methods: Two-year (2019–2021) prospective study of head injured patients with temporal bone fracture presented to the Department of Radio-diagnosis (AVBRH, DMIMS, Wardha) with complaints of hearing loss was subjected for study. Temporal bone fracture patients satisfying inclusion and exclusion criteria having hearing loss were evaluated audiologically after a gap of 3 months following the initial injury once the patient was stable. Age and gender distribution, cause of injury, radiological findings, and clinical presentations were analyzed. Data were entered into Microsoft Excel data sheet and were analyzed using SPSS 22 version software. Results: Out of 173 patients having hearing loss with temporal bone fracture, majority of the patients were male (84.97%) and were between 20 and 39 years (46.24%) with a mean age of 41 years. The major cause of injury was motor vehicle accidents (84.39%). The right side was involved (49.1%) more than the left side (46.0%). Longitudinal type fracture was most frequent (64.74%). Otic capsule involvement was present in 9.25%. Conductive hearing loss was more common in otic capsule sparing and sensorineural hearing loss was more common in otic capsule-involved fractures. Otic capsule sparing was more common in (95.54%) longitudinal type of fracture. Otic capsule violation was more common in (26.09%) transverse type of fracture. Conclusion: This study suggests that image analysis of high-resolution CT can be used in fracture of temporal bone either to detect the hearing loss or to know the type and classify the fracture or to find the correlation between the types of fracture and clinical hearing loss.

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