
Wells that have penetrated to the Cambrian in North-Central Texas reveal a series of limestones and dolomites of varying thickness, which has been identified by lithologic evidence as belonging to the Ellenburger formation. Based on the variation in types of contained cherts as shown by a study of insoluble residues from cuttings, the thickest development of the formation in the subsurface can be subdivided into four units. By similar study of insoluble residues of samples from carefully measured sections on the outcrop of the Ellenburger in the Central Mineral region of Texas, it is possible to recognize the subsurface units at the surface. The age of the measured sections can be determined by faunal correlation. The age correlation carried into the subsurface of North-C ntral Texas by means of the insoluble-residue units indicates that the apparent End_Page 943------------------------------ variation in thickness of the lower part of the Ellenburger is due to lateral change in lithology. Limestones underlying the Ellenburger as defined at the surface grade laterally in the subsurface into dolomites identical in character with those of Ellenburger age. Hence a portion of the so-called Ellenburger in the subsurface of North-Central Texas is pre-Ellenburger in age. End_of_Article - Last_Page 944------------

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