
One of the most popular indices for monitoring the occurrence and intensity of ionospheric L-band irregularities is the Rate of TEC Index (ROTI). Due to low TEC in the mid-latitude ionosphere, ROTI has received significantly less attention than the equatorial and polar ionosphere. On the other hand, spread F is an established ionogram irregularity signature. The present study aims to correlate ROTI and spread F activity over European Digisonde stations for a low-to-moderate solar activity year (2011). With a focus on the latitude-dependent occurrence, the analysis demonstrates that range spread F (RSF) has been identified for all notable ROTI (>0.15 TECU/min) cases which also coincide with MSTID activity over the stations, suggesting induced gravity waves or polarization electric fields as the driving mechanism for enhanced ROTI activity. The diurnal and seasonal features are also presented. Maximum irregularity occurrence was observed around the 45° N from 18:00 to 05:00 UT with the seasonal maximum occurrence in January. Over lower mid-latitude Digisonde stations (latitude < 45° N), the diurnal and seasonal occurrence was observed from 19:00 to 04:30 UT in July.

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