
Magnetic susceptibility (χ, mass specific) is useful for easy indirect estimation of other soil properties at a low cost. The aim of this study was to assess the use of χ as measured with an analytical balance for predicting properties with a substantial influence on the management of Typic Haplustalfs in southern Brazil. To achieve this 48 topsoil samples were taken at the intersection points in a rectangular grid of 20 m × 20 m cells, with 38 of these used for calibration and 10 for validation in regression analyses. The obtained χ values were slightly higher than, and highly correlated (r = 0.970; P < 0.001) with those measured with a susceptibility meter. Highly significant (P < 0.001) correlations were also found between χ and other soil properties relevant to soil classification and management such as clay content (r = 0.68), cation exchange capacity (r = 0.62), P sorption capacity (r = 0.76) and haematite content (r = 0.82). Results from a principal component analysis of eight properties important for soil classification explained 11% of the variance in the data set. The good predictive ability of χ was consistent with current knowledge on the formation pathways for pedogenic ferrimagnets. In summary, χ, which can be readily measured with an analytical balance, has the potential for quantifying soil attributes and may therefore be used in pedotransfer functions.

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