
Assessment of individual constitution (prakriti) has been an important basic construct of the Ayurveda system of medicine. The AyuSoft prakriti diagnostic tool has been extensively used in Ayurveda research. However, we could not find any literature regarding reliability of a prakriti diagnostic tool in patients with psychiatric conditions. One hundred and twelve patients (M = 70) suffering from various psychiatric disorders as per ICD-10 criteria were recruited (Depression = 31; Schizophrenia = 30, Anxiety disorders = 27; OCD = 9; BPAD = 15). The AyuSoft tool (developed by C-DAC, Pune, India) was applied to determine their prakriti after obtaining written informed consent. Two Ayurveda physicians independently assessed prakriti of the same patients through clinical examination. Inter-rater reliability was assessed between prakriti scores obtained from AyuSoft and those from the Ayurveda physicians by determining Cohen’s Kappa intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). ICC estimates and their 95% confidence intervals were calculated using SPSS statistical package (version 24.0) based on a mean-rating (k = 2), consistency and two-way mixed-effects model. We observed that there was a significant correlation between dosha scores obtained through AyuSoft and those from the two Ayurveda physicians (for all three doshas: p < 0.01). Inter-rater reliability was moderately strong for vata (ICC = 0.72; Cronbach’s alpha = 0.83), good for pitta (ICC = 0.58; Cronbach’s alpha = 0.62) and comparatively weak for kaphadosha (ICC = 0.44; Cronbach’s alpha = 0.51) respectively. Prakriti diagnosis by AyuSoft was feasible in stabilized psychiatric patients and was found comparable to clinical diagnosis of prakriti by Ayurveda physicians in patients with psychiatric disorders.

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