
Background Facebook is the most popular social networking site with the maximum number of users. A personrsquos online activity is often influenced by their personality and the response to this activity impacts their mental well-being. This study investigated the differences in the personality traits and mental health characteristics between Facebook users and non-users and the correlation of the same with intensity of Facebook use. The influence of gender on these relationships was also studied.Objective 1To identify differences between Facebook users and non-users in personality traits and mental wellbeing. 2Among Facebook users to study the relationship of personality and mental wellbeing with the intensity of Facebook use. Methods The sample consisted of 400 students aged between 18-25 years who completed an online questionnaire. The measures used in the study were the Ten Item Personality Inventory Facebook Intensity scale for Facebook users and the Depression Anxiety and Stress scale.Results No significant differences were seen in personality traits and mental health characteristics between Facebook users and non-users. Emotional stability openness to experience anxiety and stress showed a positive correlation with Facebook use. Additionally on stratification by gender extraversion had a positive correlation with Facebook use in females but an inverse correlation in males Emotional stability was inversely correlated with Facebook use in males and stress showed a positive correlation in females. Conclusions This study helps explain human tendencies that influence and that are influenced by Facebook use. The influence of Facebook studied separately by gender enables a clearer understanding of the relationship between personality Facebook use and mental health. This will aid in tackling clinically significant cases of mental illness due to social media in a more focused manner.

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