
Two nonspecific immunological assays were combined with radionuclide scanning to monitor 113 patients thrice weekly following allotransplantation. The nonspecific immune assays included measurement of the percentage of active T rosette-forming cells (% A-T RFCs) and spontaneous blastogenesis (SB). An increase in SB and decrease in % A-T RFCs (greater than 1 sd of normal controls) constituted an immune event. The immune parameters were correlated with thrice weekly radionuclide studies which were computer analyzed for glomerular and tubular function. Alteration of the immunological and radionuclide parameters significantly correlated (P less than 0.001) with 90 rejection episodes displayed by 72 nonantithymocyte globulin (ATG)-treated renal allograft recipients during the first 30 postoperative days. In the absence of clinically defined rejection, changes in immune parameters correlated with (1) decline of radionuclide parameters and (2) alterations in weight, temperature, creatinine clearance, and serum creatinine, suggesting subclinical events. As a result of the effects of ATG on lymphocytes, a similar comparison could not be made for 41 other patients treated with this immunosuppressive drug. The incidence of false positive tests was 12.7%. Thus, the combination of two nonspecific immune parameters, % A-T RFCs and SB, with computerized analysis of radionuclide scans may afford a reliable index to diagnose early rejection or impaired function of renal allografts.

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