
The statement about unity and entirety of language system, interdependency and interaction of different level language elements belongs to the circle of fundamental problems in language theory. There is a specific correlation between sounding and meaning. Syllable and morpheme correlation studying could clarify two-side nature of language sign. The article demonstrates the analysis of correlation between syllabic borders and word boundaries, between syllabic borders and morphemic junctures in different word classes in conversational, scientific and literary texts. The correlation between syllabic borders and morphemic junctures demonstrates main grammar tendencies and may be considered as a typological feature. The question of syllable and morpheme correlation is especially important for synthetic languages, for it is they where isomorphic phenomenon of correlation between form and substance is denied. The analysis shows that quantity of morphs and syllables in word is practically the same. Nevertheless it is impossible to speak about coincidence of syllable and morpheme. Conjunction frequency of syllabic borders and morph junctures depends on the word class, the type of morph juncture, the level of its semantic and syntactic independence and the type of the text. Considering syllabic border and morph juncture correlation the scientific text differs from the conversational and the literary ones, nouns and adjectives oppose verbs. The main method is statistical, analytical and descriptive methods are also used. Correlation of morphemic and syllabic division characterizes the Russian language as fusional and flectional language and demonstrates its main grammar tendencies. Correlation regularity between morph and syllable, between syllabic borders and morphemic junctures and word boundaries shows the unity of sounding and meaning of morpheme and word. The leading role in this unity belongs to meaning.

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