
Objective: To determine if the level of LRG-1 in urine correlates with cervical cancer stage, histology type and histology gradingMethod: This cross-sectional study using ELISA to test urinary LRG-1 of 59 cervical cancer patients. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test.Results: From the total of 59 samples, LRG-1 in urine ranged from 0.48 ng/mL to 170.43 ng/mL, with median value 58.42 ng/mL. A median value of 21.42±52.29 ng/mL was found in the urine at early stage and 115.32±59.36 ng/mL at advanced stage. Most patients had cervical cancer at advanced stage (69.4%), squamous cell carcinoma (66.1%), and grade cannot be assessed (45.8%). Median LRG-1 levels were highest in squamous cell carcinoma (66.42±60.89 ng/mL) and poorly differentiated (127.74 ±54.13 ng/mL). LRG-1 levels were significantly correlated with cervical cancer stage (p-value=0.045) but not histological type (p-value=0.940) or histopathological grade (p-value=0.488).Conclusion: The more advanced the cervical cancer stage, the more elevated urinary LRG-1 levels. LRG-1 contributes to angiogenesis and antiapoptotic processes in cancer. Further studies are required to identify and evaluate LRG-1 in urine as an important biomarker for making clinical decisions and developing potential treatments.Hubungan Kadar Protein Leucine-Rich-α-2-Glycoprotein-1 (LRG-1) Urine dengan Stadium, Tipe Histologis, dan Derajat Diferensiasi Kanker ServiksAbstrakTujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar LRG-1 dalam urine dengan stadium, tipe histologis, dan derajat diferensiasi kanker serviks.Metode: Studi ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross-sectional pada 59 perempuan yang telah didiagnosis kanker serviks, kemudian diperiksa kadar protein LRG-1 dalam urine dengan metode ELISA. Uji statistik menggunakan Kruskal Wallis. Hasil: Dari total 59 sampel didapatkan kadar LRG-1 dalam urine terendah 0,48 ng/mL dan tertinggi 170,43 ng/mL, nilai median 58,42 ng/mL. Nilai median pada stadium awal 21,42±52,29 ng/mL dan stadium lanjut 115,32±59,36 ng/mL. Lebih banyak penderita mengalami kanker serviks pada stadium lanjut (69,4%), tipe histopatologis Squamous Cell Carcinoma (66,1%), derajat diferensiasi tidak dapat ditentukan (45,8%). Median tertinggi kadar LRG-1 pada tipe Squamous Cell Carcinoma (66,42±60,89 ng/mL), dan derajat diferensiasi yang buruk (127,74±54,13 ng/mL). Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kadar LRG-1 dan stadium kanker serviks (nilai p = 0,045), tetapi tidak dengan tipe histologis (nilai p=0,940) dan derajat diferensiasi (nilai p=0,488).Kesimpulan: Semakin tinggi stadium maka semakin tinggi kadar protein LRG-1 dalam urine. LRG-1 berperan dalam proses angiogenesis dan antiapoptosis pada kanker. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut agar identifikasi dan evaluasi biomarker LRG-1 urine dapat menjadi penanda penting yang membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan klinis, serta pengembangan terapi.Kata Kunci: Derajat diferensiasi, Kanker serviks, LRG-1, Stadium, Tipe histologis

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