
The study was carried out in the department of forensic medicine at Government College and hospital,Nagpur over a period of one and half year on 200 dead bodies of victims of road traffic fatalities broughtto mortuary for medico-legal post mortem examination. The aim of study was correlation between injuryseverity score (ISS) and survival time of victim of road traffic accidental deaths. The ISS was calculatedfrom abbreviated injury scale (AIS). The cases were divided into four groups based on their ISS, wherethe group with less serious injuries (ISS<25) was considered survivable The second group (ISS 25-49)was considered as severe, third group (ISS 49-74) was critical and four group (ISS 75) was fatal . Survivaltime was more in victims of road traffic accidents who had injury severity score (ISS) less than 25. On thecontrary to this, victims who had ISS more than 25 (25-74), survival time was low. Victims who had ISS 75died on spot or within 1 hours of fatal road traffic accidents. The ISS score is negatively correlated with thesurvival time with pearson’s correlation coefficient r=-.0.419 which is highly significant (p<0.0001).

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