
A carotid artery shunt system has been developed that continuously monitors blood flow rates by embedding a Doppler crystal in the shunt wall. The crystal ranges through a "liquid lens" that enables it to be placed without violation of the shunt lumen. Because the crystal is at a fixed angle (45 degrees) to the axis of blood flow and the diameter of the lumen remains constant, a linear relationship exists between flow rates and the Doppler velocity signal. This shunt system was previously tested in vitro using a pulsatile pump and was found to be accurate to within 4.7% of the actual flow rate. In the present study, animal (goat) experiments were performed consisting of simultaneous carotid shunt flow and bilateral rCBF measurements by the radiolabeled microsphere technique to determine in vivo the accuracy of this Doppler modified shunt and to ascertain the ability of shunt flow to increase in the face of acute contralateral carotid occlusion. Data from five animals show that in vivo shunt flow can be recorded to within 13% of control rCBF and that shunt flow increases nearly 50% under conditions of distal demand (contralateral carotid occlusion). This device may prove useful in laboratory studies of carotid shunt dynamics and in clinical practice to quickly detect correctable shunt flow abnormalities.

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