
To evaluate the value of percentage cell counts and cell indices in testicular fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in male infertility and their correlation with histologic categories as seen in open testicular biopsies. Differential cell counts were performed, and cell indices, including spermatic index, Sertoli cell index and sperm-Sertoli cell index, were calculated in testicular fine needle aspiration (FNA) smears in 30 azoospermic males whose open testicular biopsies were classified as normal spermatogenesis in 10 cases, maturation arrest in 5, hypospermatogenesis in 6, Sertoli cell only syndrome in 5 and tubular/peritubular sclerosis in 4. In normal spermatogenesis, FNA smears showed up to 40% Sertoli cells, and spermatozoa were the predominant spermatogenetic cell type. There was a progressive increase in Sertoli cell percentage and Sertoli cell index and reduction in spermatozon percentage, spermatic index and sperm-Sertoli cell index with increasing severity of reduction in spermatogenesis in different histologic categories. The differences between mean counts and indices in normal spermatogenesis and other histologic categories were statistically significant (P < .01). The percent cell counts and cell indices in testicular FNAC correlate with histologic categories and are useful in evaluating male infertility.

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