
The correlations between the indicators of cerebral hemodynamics and electrical activity in children with impaired motor skills of central origin (children with cerebral palsy) were investigated. There is established a high number of links between indicators of rheoencephalogram (REG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) in the left cerebral hemisphere than in the right. In frontomastoidal allocation 19 correlations and in occipitomastoidal - 59 links. We suppose that poor circulation in vertebroplasty-basilar system leads to the defeat of the brain stem, which, with afferent pathways of the reticular formation, connects the thalamus with the cortex. In the reticular formation there is an inhibition of ascending activators influences, which eland to decreasing of the cortex is tonus. You can talk about the functional immaturity of the system of nonspecific activation by the reticular formation of the brain stem. Children with violation of motor activity had significantly more negative and positive significant and high correlation among the existing indicators of electric brain activity and cerebral hemodynamics, in our opinion, is due to the development of interconnection compensation that is carried out by adjustment of the functional systems and the formation of new forms of adaptive responses in conditions of disontogenetik. Feature correlation pattern of the EEG, of children with disorders of motor activity, is associated with a significantly great number of high and significant correlations between measures of electrical brain activity in the δ- and q- rhythms, especially in the temporal areas of the cerebral cortex. According to visual analysis of EEG there is revealed a common manifestation of changes of bioelectric brain activity in children with disorders of motor activity. This is manifested in the development of paroxysmal activity of action potentials of θ- and δ-rhythms with the focus of activity in the anterior areas of the cerebral cortex; the formation of a mosaic representation of the θ-rhythms in temporal areas; the presence of hypersynchronous a-paroxysms in the posterior areas of the cerebral cortex. The given facts testify to activation of mechanisms of limbic-neocortical systems and synchronizing influences of the reticular formation of the stem and diencephalic structures. There is also detected greater number of correlations when occipitomastoidal registration was lone it reflects compensatory redistribution of cerebral blood flow over the affected structures of brain stem structures that are associated with the provision of cortical functions.

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