
Experimental results for manganese $3\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{s}2p$ photon emission in ${\mathrm{MnF}}_{2}$ that occurs after resonant and nonresonant production of a $2p$ hole are presented. Transitions that involve a change in the spin of the ${3d}^{5}$ subshell are observed and identified. Results of a free-ion calculation that includes the effect of the interaction between the configurations with a single $3s$ hole and two $3p$ holes in the final state is also given. Good overall agreement is found between the experiment and the calculation. This comparison allows a direct interpretation of the absorption spectrum, the Raman emission spectra, and the normal or nondispersive fluorescence spectrum in terms of well-defined ionic states. Spin-changing transitions in both absorption and emission are identified, and their intensities relative to the spin-conserving transitions are found to be well predicted by theory.

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