
Due to the challenges we are experiencing nowadays, the importance of food security is gaining in its attention, making the subjects supplying agricultural production and ready-made food products more important and influential either economically or politically. The data under research are the agricultural products exports of Brazil, Canada, China, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States to the European Union. The agricultural products are the goods from SITC (0+1) groups. The timeframe under analysis is eleven years – from 2012 to 2022 included. The purpose of the research is to assess whether the Ukrainian agricultural exports to the EU are correlated with the said exports of Brazil, Canada, China, the UK and the USA, and, if they are, how strong the correlation is. The comparative analysis of the dynamics, simple statistics, differences with the previous periods for the agricultural products exports of the analysed subjects to the EU was conducted. The trend lines for the analysed data during the given timeframe and two following years, were built using the appropriate function. The Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients and their corresponding p-values were calculated and analysed.

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