
Background: The goals of tympanic membrane repair in tubotympanic chronic suppurative otitis media are to close the perforation, remove the disease, and improve hearing of the patient. Myringoplasty is an operation used to repair a perforation of the tympanic membrane and this improves the patient hearing and decreases susceptibility of infection. Objective: To correlate the radiological findings of preoperative CT with intra-operative findings in revision myringoplasty. Patients and Methods: This study included 30 patients suffering from safe type of chronic suppurative otitis media with central tympanic membrane perforations. 23 patients were subjected to underlay revision myringoplasty and 7 patients were subjected to cortical mastoidectomy based on the preoperative CT findings. Diagnosis of the disease was established by clinical, otoscopic, microscopic and endoscopic examination. All patients were studied prospectively. Preoperative history taking, ENT examination, general examination, and assessment of hearing were performed for all cases. All patients complained of history of ear discharge and deterioration of hearing. Surgery was done; operative details were recorded and postoperative follow up was done. Results: This study showed that CT scan temporal bone is 100% accurate in assessment of ossicular chain, aditus ad antrum patency and mastoid pneumatization. While, CT accuracy in assessment of middle ear spaces, middle ear mucosa and fibrous adhesions is 76.7%. Conclusion: Comparing these results with those of other researches using similar techniques, revealed that they are almost similar regarding the accuracy of CT scanning and success rate.

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