
Problem-solving ability is needed in mathematics learning. This study aimed to find out about the correlation between relational understanding and cognitive style on the problem-solving ability of students. Relational understanding was taken into account because this understanding is related to a person's ability to use mathematical procedures obtained by correlating various mathematical concepts that are relevant in problem-solving and to understand why such procedures can be used. Cognitive style was also considered because this style is related to how students think and understand, including how they solve problems. The study used multiple correlation analysis with independent variables of relational understanding (X1) and cognitive style (X1), while the dependent variable was problem-solving ability (Y). The samples of this study were 22 High School students in Malang, selected randomly. The multiple correlation analysis resulted in R = 0,965, indicating that there is a significant correlation between relational understanding and cognitive style on problem-solving ability. In addition, the result of F test also showed that the multiple correlation coefficient was significant.

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