
AbstractSurveillance of anopheline and culicine larvae was conducted fortnightly to determine population composition and density at seven sites in the area of the Mathura Refinery, Mathura, India during 2005–2006. The correlation between population of the vectors and their habitat quality was established. Temperature (0.978 and 0.85°C), pH (0.99 and 0.95), conductivity (0.98 and 0.98 mho) and calcium ion hardness (0.978 and 0.85 p.p.m.) were positively correlated with the populations of both larval species. In contrast, the correlation coefficients between the parameters total hardness, magnesium ion hardness, biochemical oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand varied with the larval species. The anopheline larval population was dominant over the culicine population in the surveillance area. The distribution of anopheline mosquito larvae during the study period was found to be constant, and the average density of anopheline and culicine larvae was 84.70 and 15.30%, respectively, across all seven sites. Thus, the study demonstrated spatial and temporal population differences of mosquito larvae with respect to environmental factors, including water quality.

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