
This case control study on correlation between maternal factors and the risk of low birth weight were done at RPMCH, Rangpur from January 2010 to April 2010. This study was carried out on 100 LBW babies irrespective of their gestational age to identify the various risk factors related to LBW. Another 100 normal birth weight babies were studied as control. This study showed that 65% of LBW babies were preterm and 35% were term LBW and the mean weight, length and OFC of LBW babies were 1450 gm, 42cm and 29.05cm respectively. The mean gestational age of LBW babies in this study was 34 weeks. The incidence of male LBW babies were higher. Young mothers (less than 20 years) and primipara were responsible for 37% and 40% deliveries of LBW babies. Maternal body weight (below 40 kg) was responsible for 59% of LBW deliveries in contrast to only 28% in the control group of NBW babies. This difference was highly significant (p<0.001). Maternal height (140-150cm.) of LBW babies were 71%. On the other hand, in the control group maternal height in between 140-150cm. These difference was highly significant (p<0.0001). Therefore, this study also is in conformity with other studies that nutritional status of the mother has influence on birth weight of the babies. Other risk factors of LBW having significant associations with maternal characteristics in this study were upto primary level of education (72%). Housewives (84%), poor socio-economic status (55%), no and irregular antenatal checkup (76%). Impact of the adverse maternal conditions on LBW babies are seen as idiopathic (25%), premature rupture of the membrane (24%), twin gestation (14%), toxaemia of pregnancy (10%), hypertension and APH (12% and 3%) were responsible. This study on 100 LBW babies, has been able to detect the risk factors related to low birth weight in our country. Since this study was conducted on relatively small number of low birth weight babies, the findings in the study may not reflect the overall risk ....

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