
The physical development of adolescents that is so prominent and not the same for everyonecauses anxiety about their physical development it will also affect their self-concept. Lack ofknowledge and family support will make adolescent self-concept more negative. The purposeof this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and family supportregarding secondary physical changes during puberty and self-concept in young women aged13-15. The research design used is correlational research. The population studied was youngwomen aged 13-15 years at MTSN 9 Jombang in 2022 using a purposive sampling techniqueto obtain a sample of 56 female students. The research instrument used was a questionnairesheet. The results of the study were then analyzed using the contingency coefficient. Theresults of the knowledge research showed that most of them had less knowledge, namely 31respondents (55.4%). The results of the research on family support show that most of themprovide less support, namely as many as 32 respondents (57.1%). The results of self-conceptresearch showed that most of the respondents' self-concept was negative, namely as many as37 respondents (66.1%). The results of statistical tests using the contingency coefficient testshow a significance level of 0.000 and 0.000 <α (0.05), meaning that there is a relationshipbetween knowledge and family support about secondary physical changes during pubertywith self-concept in young women aged 13-15 years at MTSN 9 Jombang in 2022.

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