
Abstract—Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) initiation sites and their correlation with the critical stress intensity factors of hydrogen charged specimens were studied under combined I/II mode loading. Two series of tests, is. constant load (CL) tests and slow strain rate (SSR) tests, were carried out. Experimental results showed that in CL tests, irrespective of the ratio KIJKl, the HIC initiation sites always correspond to the point of maximum hydrostatic stress; which is located some distance ahead of the notch tip. However, for SSRT tests, when K11/K1> 1, HIC started at the notch tip which corresponds to the point of maximum equivalent plastic strain. When K11/K1<1 in SSR tests, HIC occurred initially some distance ahead of the notch tip.The relationship between the critical stress intensity factor for HIC and K11/K1 was shown to be different for the two types of test. Multiple effects of stress and strain on hydrogen redistribution and hence on HIC initiation sites, as well as critical stress intensity factors, are discussed.

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