
Aims: Our study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of high-resolution real-time gray-scale ultrasonography with ultrasound-guided ne-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in identifying thyroid cancer nodules. Thyroid nodules are a frequent medical condition brought on by a number of thyroid problems. By palpating them, they can be detected in 4%–8% of adults, in 10%–41% of adults by ultrasonography (US), and in 50% of people by pathologic examination at autopsy. The thyroid gland's pathological states and thyroid gland morphology can be accurately assessed by using HRUSG. Our study's objective is to evaluate the reliability of HRUSG in identifying malignant nodules with the help of ultrasound-guided ne-needle aspiration cytology. It is a retrospective study of 50 Settings and Design: patients (aged 16–63 years) who were examined with high-resolution ultrasound (HRUSG) of the thyroid gland and for ultrasoundguided FNAC between January 2022 till August 31, 2022 This study comprised 5 Material and methods 0 patients with thyroid nodules identied by ultrasonography. Each nodule's properties were identied. Following that, the outcomes were differentiated with Ultrasound-guided FNAC. Sensitivity, specicity, positive pr Stastistical Analysis used: edictive value, negative predictive value and accuracy were used Out of 50 nodules examined, 10 (20%) were found to b Results: e malignant on cytology. In this study with the aid of Gray-scale ultrasound features of thyroid nodules Conclusions ,malignant thyroid nodules can be differentiated from those with benign ones. HRUSG ndings of hypoechogenicity, microcalcication, and poorly dened margins have high diagnostic accuracy for identifying malignant thyroid nodules as mentioned in our study.

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