
Purpose: to reveal a correlation between the symptoms and heart rhythm as well as to evaluate the incidence of symptomatic and asymptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with paroxysmal AF after catheter ablation and antiarrhythmic drug therapy (AAD) through long-term observation based on data from implantable cardiac heart monitors (ICM). Materials and Methods: 92 patients with paroxysmal AF were randomly broken into two groups: 1) AF catheter ablation + ICM (Group I; n=46); 2) AAD + ICM (Group II; n=46). The data recorded by the device were matched against the symptoms diaries kept by the patients. Results: through the follow-up period (24 months), 17 (40%) patients of the catheter ablation Group and another 33 (71.8%) patients belonging to the AAD Group had AF relapse, whereas in 4 (23.5%) patients of the catheter ablation group and in 1 (3%) patients of the AAD group the paroxysms were asymptomatic. Only 30% of episodes recorded by the ICM in the AF catheter ablation + ICM Group and 78% of episodes in patients receiving AAD + ICM were found to be true AF paroxysms. Summary: the rhythm status did not match the patients’ symptoms in terms of AF, which was observed in 70% of the cases after catheter ablation and in 22% of cases in the AAD group. Asymptomatic AF was more common among the patients belonging to the catheter ablation group (23.5%) if compared to those who underwent AAD (3%). The subjective evaluation of the symptoms done by the patients regarding their arrhythmia did not reflect the true state of things related to the heart rhythm, which makes such evaluation not reliable if employed to judge the treatment efficiency.


  • На сегодняшний день одной из серьезных проблем, стоящих перед исследователями в этой области, является значительная вариабельность в определении «успеха» процедуры

  • Purpose: to reveal a correlation between the symptoms and heart rhythm as well as to evaluate the incidence of symptomatic and asymptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) in patients with paroxysmal AF after catheter ablation and antiarrhythmic drug therapy (AAD) through long-term observation based on data from implantable cardiac heart monitors (ICM)

  • Materials and Methods: 92 patients with paroxysmal AF were randomly broken into two groups: 1) AF catheter ablation + ICM (Group I; n=46); 2) AAD + ICM (Group II; n=46)

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Медицинский вестник Юга России

4. Вигдергауз М.С., Кирш С.И., Кабанов Н.Т. Лабораторный практикум по химии жиров / Н.С. Клиническая бихимия жирных кислот, липидов, липопротеинов / В.Н. 8. Микашинович З.И., Ковалева Э.А., Бабаева М.Л., Саркисян О.Г. 9. Аввакумов Г.В., Сурвило Л.И, Стрельченок О.А., Взаимодействие сексстереоидсвязывающего глобулина крови с мембранами клеток децидуального эндометрия человека. Исследование природы взаимодействий инсулина с поверхностью эритроцитов и состава гормонтранспортирующего комплекса плазмы крови человека.

Materials and Methods
Материалы и методы
Продолжительность ФП
Катетерная аблация и антиаритмическая терапия
Имплантируемый кардиомонитор
Контрольное наблюдение
Статистический анализ
Результаты и их обсуждение
Запись анализа ритма
Full Text
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