
Purpose: We aimed to find out how well Saudi Arabian healthcare workers followed infection control guidelines and determine whether there is a considerable relationship between the biographic profile of healthcare staff and their degree of compliance with infection control Key Performance Indicator (KPI).
 Methods: This descriptive-correlation study was conducted on healthcare workers from different Saudi Arabian hospitals. The study used a three-point Likert scale, and the rating scales used were “3” to indicate always, “2” to indicate sometimes, while “1” was used to indicate never.
 Results: Of the 180 respondents, 62.8% of the included healthcare workers were young adults, 73.3% were males, 68.3% were doctoral degree holders, 66.1% were licensed medical doctors, and 39.4% were advanced beginners. Saudi healthcare workers have an overall level of “high compliance” (mean=2.29). Most of the study respondents had “high compliance” with the strategies of infection control. Chi-square test of independence (r2) revealed a statistically significant relationship between compliance to infection control practices and the following variables: age (p=0.0100), sex (p=0.0177), educational attainment (p=0.0001), and profession (p<0.0001).
 Conclusions: In Saudi Arabia, healthcare staff generally follow infection control procedures. Moreover, biographic profiles are significantly associated with the degree of infection prevention practice compliance by healthcare staff.

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