
Three life stages of larval grass shrimp were tested to determine whether acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity expressed as 24-h sublethal effect endpoints (EC20 and EC50) could be used to predict 96-h mortality (lowest observable effect concentration (LOEC) and LC50) for shrimp exposed to three organophosphate insecticides. With regard to mortality, newly hatched larvae and 18-day-old larvae were the most sensitive in the malathion and azinphosmethyl exposures. In the chlorpyrifos exposures, newly hatched larvae and postlarvae were the most sensitive life stages. Results of the 24-h AChE inhibition tests showed that newly hatched larvae were generally more sensitive in the three organophosphate exposures. A regression analysis of the EC50's and LC50's yielded the strongest correlation with R 2 = 0.9 8 7 (correlation coefficient=0.994 and 95% confidence intervals 0.969–0.999). The LOEC/EC20 relationship yielded R 2 = 0.9 6 2 . For these grass shrimp life stages and pesticides, sublethal effect endpoints could be used as a predictor of 96-h mortality.

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