
Despite being a short-duration legume crop with excellent nutritional value, blackgram is rarely grown extensively because of various obstacles. In light of this, the research sought to understand the nature and strength of the relationship between yield and related qualities for efficient production, with the goal of developing blackgram genotypes with greater adaptability, genetic variability, and high yielding potential. Fifty one genotypes derived from seventeen inter-varietal crosses with variable plant and pod characteristics were evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications during kharif 2018 at Palampur. Significant differences were observed among all genotypes for all the characters. Seed yield per plant showed positive association towards plant height, pods per plant, biological yield per plant and harvest index. The positive association was mainly due to direct effects of these traits with seed yield per plant and also indirectly contributed for positive association with other traits. Therefore, these traits provide an important criterion of selection procedures for achieving enhanced performance of blackgram genotypes for higher yield.

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