
Published in Petroleum Transactions, AIME, Volume 52, 1916, pages 353–362. The interest which has been aroused in prospecting for oil in the foothills of southern Alberta, and in the oil possibilities of the known gas fields situated in the less-disturbed areas, called for a much closer examination of the structure, thickness, and composition of the under- lying rocks of the region than had hitherto been made. The areal geology of the larger part of the great plains was outlined by Dawson, McConnell, and Tyrrell, between 1881 and 1885. The foothill area was not critically examined at that time, owing to the time which would have been required for its proper study and the difficulty that was found in recognizing in the foothills the divisions which had been adopted in the mapping of the formations of the plains. This was due in great measure to the paucity of exposures in continuous sections of the lower divisions of the Upper Cretaceous. Since the pioneer work on the plains was published, the beds which form continuations south into Montana have been critically examined, The Canadian beds arch over the end of a flat anticline which rises to the south; and two sections in Montana, one on each side of the anticline, help to explain some of the difficulties previously encountered in the mapping of the measures found in the foothills. The index map, Fig. 1, shows the area studied, and its relation to southeastern Alberta, and to Montana. Problems of Correlation The principal difficulty experienced in correlation was in connection with the measures known as the Montana group. The beds of this group did not seem to agree in the two Montana sections. They showed the same differences to some extent as are encountered in comparing the foothill measures with those of the plains. The Montana group in Dakota and Manitoba consists of a series of shales of marine origin. T.P. 052–25

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