
The article presents data on the study of the biological and morphological characteristics of 13 varieties of Paeonia intersectional hybrids when introduced in the forest-steppe zone of the Bashkir Cis-Ural. The twelve quantitative traits (maximum height, maximum shoot thickness at the very top, number of branches from the base, leaf length at the first axillary bud, maximum leaf width at the first axillary bud, width of the lateral leaf segment, pedicel length, maximum pedicel thickness, flower diameter , the length of the longest perianth, the maximum width of the longest perianth, the number of carpels) and twenty one qualitative (the appearance of the plant, the main color of the leaf bud, the main color of the shoot during the budding period, waviness of the leaf edge, pubescence of the lower surface of the leaf, the main color of the leaf, petiole coloration, anthocyanin coloration of the leaf, main coloration of the pedicel, opening of the bud, the level of doubleness of the flower, position of the flower, coloration of the flower, type of coloration of the outer petals, main coloration of the pigment spot, aroma of the flower, main coloration of the filamentous filament, main coloration of anthers, the shape of the staminodial disc, the main coloration of the staminodial disc, the main coloration of the stigma) were analyzed. Their research was carried out in 2019-2021. The phenotypic variability of quantitative parameters was studied. High variability was found for the traits «number of branches from the base» and «number of carpels», low variability — for «flower diameter» and «length of the longest perianth leaflet». A positive average relationship was revealed between the flower diameter and the maximum width of the longest perianth leaflet (0,60), the maximum pedicle thickness and the number of carpels (0,62). A negative moderate relationship was noted between the leaf length at the first axillary bud and the maximum width of the longest perianth leaflet (−0,40). The revealed patterns are of interest for building a model of paeony varieties and using them in plant breeding.

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