
Student behavior is very influential on the achievement of learning outcomes because learning is adding and acquiring a certain amount of knowledge. Learning outcomes are generally defined as the relationship between learners and the surrounding system during the course of the schooling process, which leads to behavior change in the areas of cognition, behavior, and skills, which are represented by symbols or numbers. The research conducted focuses on analyzing the relationship or correlation between learning behavior and learning outcomes of elementary school students in Banten Province. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship or correlation between learning behavior and learning outcomes of elementary school students in Banten Province. Data collection techniques were obtained using a learning behavior questionnaire and observation of student learning outcomes. Sampling was carried out using simple random sampling technique in three elementary schools in Banten Province, which amounted to a sample of 90 students. The study results showed that the average value of student learning outcomes was 83.60. Prerequisite testing, normality test is done by normal probability plot test which is quite effective to detect a normally distributed research or not. According to the test, the data is normally distributed because the points on the diagram always follow and approach the diagonal. The significance value of the learning behavior variable and the learning outcome variable is 0.000 where 0.000 < 0.05, so there is a correlation between the variable learning behavior and the learning outcomes of students. The test results show that there is a significant relationship or correlation between the learning behavior variable and student learning outcomes.

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