
Midwifery care services in pregnancy are carried out to prepare optimal health for pregnant women and their babies, both physical, social and mental health. Antenatal care plays an important role in providing quality midwifery services, including several important service components such as health promotion, early detection of complications, diagnosis and prevention of disease. There was an increase in K4 coverage in Indonesia from 84.6% in 2020 to 88.8% in 2021. Based on the results of reporting data from Local Area Monitoring (PWS) Maternal and Child Health (KIA) in South Sumatra in 2021, the number of first visits K4 pregnancies reached 90.1%, decreasing from the K4 achievement in 2020, which was 90.9%, while for K6 coverage in South Sumatra in 2021 it reached 72.9% above the Indonesian K6 average of 63%. The purpose of this study was to find out whether economic factors, and husband's support factors correlated with obedience of pregnant women in carrying out Antenatal Care (ANC) at Lismarini Palembang's Independent Midwife Practice (PMB). This type of research is a quantitative research using an analytic survey method with a cross sectional approach. The population of this study was all 3rd trimester pregnant women who had ANC visits at BPM Lismarini Palembang, while the sample was a portion of 3rd trimester pregnant women who had ANC visits at BPM Lismarini Palembang. The sampling technique in this study was carried out by accidental sampling technique. The data analysis used was univariate analysis followed by bivariate analysis. The results of statistical tests showed that there was a relationship between economic factors and husband's support with p values of 0.029 and 0.035. From the results of the study it can be concluded that economic variables and husband's support are related to respondents' adherence to antenatal care visits at BPM Lismarini Palembang.

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