
Summary Twelve male and eight female children, median age 12 yr, 7 months, slept in the laboratory on nine non‐consecutive nights over a year's time. Stage REM dreams were collected. Ss were also administered a personality measure (CPQ), an intelligence test (WISC), and an instrument to assess ego level (SCT). The study was designed to examine: (a) the relationship between waking ego level and ego level assessed in stage‐REM dreams: (b) male and female dream representations of Bakan's (1966) dimensions of agency and communion; and (c) sex‐role differences on the CPQ in relation to agency‐communion in dreams. Ego level was found to be continuous from the waking measure (SCT) into dreams, and to be of a comparable absolute level in the two conditions. Male Ss'dreams were rated primarily agentic, whereas females'dreams were primarily communal. Failure of CPQ scales to show strong gender differences made it difficult to test the proposition that waking sex‐role differences would be stronger determinants of dream agency‐communion than gender itself.

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