
The aim of this research paper is to explore the potential links between various factors (socioeconomic, empirical and contextual factors), as well as the likelihood of adolescents experiencing major depressive episodes according to datasets reported in the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). This paper uses secondary data analysis method, where some variables of interests are compared: demographics, school experiences, adult-involvements, peer-involvements, extracurricular, and incomes. The results shows that both contextual factors around adult and peer involvement played a significant role in this research process. In influencing adolescents experiencing major depressive emotions during their growth. During this period, the influence of adult figures become a main object in shaping adolescents emotional health. However, with the frequency of parental arguments, the results show an adverse association, which underscores how the role of family dynamics influence adolescent mental health. Meanwhile, in terms of peer behaviors and related peer pressures, individuals are shaped by their choices and perceptions which also affect mental health of these adolescence.

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