
Thouless pumping, not only achieving quantized transport but also immune to moderate disorder, has attracted growing attention in both experiments and theories. Here, we explore how particle-particle interactions affect topological transport in a periodically modulated and tilted optical lattice. Three characterized interaction effects are revealed: topological pumping of bound states, interaction blockade of scattering states, and topologically resonant tunnelings. Attributed to the tilting, we have found a linear scanning in the first Brillouin zone at each Bloch-oscillation period of multiparticle center-of-mass momentum. Not limited to multiparticle Wannier states, our scheme ensures a dispersionless quantized transport even for initial Gaussian-like wave packets of interacting bosons which do not uniformly occupy a given band. Our study deepens the understanding of correlation effects on topological states, and provides a feasible way for detecting topological properties in interacting systems.

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