
The following corrections for “A Globally Gated Polling System with Server Interruptions, and Applications to the Repairman Problem” by O.J. Boxma, J.A. Weststrate, and U. Yechiali, which appeared in Volume 7, Number 2, of Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, missed the press date.p. 192, (3.3): Xi should be Xip. 194, (3.12):should bep. 195, (4.1): N should be n in the five summations over n (15x)p. 195, (4.2): should be moved to the next line (after the multiplication sign)p. 195, below (4.3): Add: so that EY1m = EXm = λmECp. 195, (4.4): Add: for m < np. 195, I. –3: Add: for m < np. 196, (4.5): Add: for m < np. 196, I. 5: Add: Again cov(Xm, Xn) = λm λn var(C), independent of the server interruption process.p. 196, (4.8): m ≤ n should be m < np. 197, 1st formula: [λi should be p. 199, I. 6: 5.2 The should be Thep. 199, I. 14: 5.3 The should be Thep. 200, I. 10: [E should be E(p. 204: The last line of subsection 6.2 should be changed to: Moreover, when sj → 0, the index rules (6.2) and (6.4) approach the well-known cμ rule in both the static and dynamic optimization.p. 207, I. –1: (to appear) should be: 85–90p. 208, I. 1: 92 should be 93 (2×)p. 208, I. 5: (to appear) should be 35: 187–208

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