
This paper is devoted to the derivation of a kinetic equation for many-body one-component dissipative systems in an external random field. The system under consideration was discussed in the recent paper by Sliusarenko et al. [J. Math. Phys. 56, 043302 (2015)], where a generalization of the Vlasov kinetic equation was obtained. The potential interaction is assumed to be small (the corresponding small parameter λ), the dissipation interactions and the correlation functions of the external random field are considered as small quantities estimated by one small parameter μ for the simplicity. The kinetic equation is obtained up to the terms of the orders λ2μ0, λ1μ1, λ0μ2 inclusive. In weakly spatially nonuniform states of the system, this gives corrections to the Landau–Vlasov kinetic equation caused by the dissipation and external random field. In the case λ ≫ μ after the mean free time, the system reaches a state approximately described by the Maxwell distribution. The dissipation and random field will lead to the evolution of the system temperature. A time evolution equation for the temperature in spatially uniform states is derived on the basis of the obtained kinetic equation by a generalized Chapman–Enskog method which takes into account that the kinetic equation is an approximate one. This temperature time evolution equation is investigated up to the terms of the order μ3 inclusive. It is shown that under some conditions the final stage of the system evolution is a steady state. A fluctuation-dissipation theorem for this state is discussed. In this steady state, the system is described by a distribution function that contains corrections to the Maxwell distribution.

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