
Previous article FreeCorrectionCharles Mullon, Laurent Keller, and Laurent LehmannCharles MullonDepartment of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Search for more articles by this author , Laurent KellerDepartment of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Search for more articles by this author , and Laurent LehmannDepartment of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Search for more articles by this author Original articleEvolutionary Stability of Jointly Evolving Traits in Subdivided PopulationsPDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmailQR Code SectionsMoreWe would like to make two corrections to our article “Evolutionary Stability of Jointly Evolving Traits in Subdivided Populations” (Mullon et al., American Naturalist 188:175–195). First, in table 1 pairwise relatedness in the Moran model should ber2(z,z)=1−m(z)1+m(z)(N−1).This does not influence the analysis of our example in the section “The Joint Evolution of Helping and Dispersal,” which is based on the correct expression for pairwise relatedness. We thank Jorge Peña for noticing this typo.Our second correction concerns the section “First-Order Effects on Pairwise Relatedness under a Moran Process” in the appendix. Even though our final result (eqq. [A56], [A57]) is correct, the intermediate step (eq. [A54]) should read(A54)∂ϕ1,k(ζ,z)∂ζp=k(N−k)N2μ(z,z,z)(∂μ(zi,z−i,z)∂zjp−∂μ(zi,z−i,z)∂zip)+kN(∂wp(zi,z−i,z)∂zip+(k−1)∂wp(zi,z−i,z)∂zjp),∂ϕ2,k(ζ,z)∂ζp=k(N−k)(2k(1−m(z)+N)−N)N3μ(z,z,z)(∂μ(zi,z−i,z)∂zjp−∂μ(zi,z−i,z)∂zip)+k(2k(N−1)+N)N2(∂wp(zi,z−i,z)∂zip+(k−1)∂wp(zi,z−i,z)∂zjp).Unlike our original equation (A54), which is incorrect as it depends on the third and fourth powers of k (k3 and k4), the above version depends only on the third power of k (k3). Hence, the second part of equation (A55), which gives the fourth moment of k, is superfluous and should be ignored. Accordingly, the sentence above equation (A55) should read, “Finally, we substitute equation (A54) into equation (A51), which is in turn substituted into equation (A36), and we use the first and second moments of sojourn times (eq. [A42]), as well as the third moment (eq. [A55]).” Previous article DetailsFiguresReferencesCited by The American Naturalist Volume 196, Number 1July 2020 Published for The American Society of Naturalists Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1086/708867 Views: 451Total views on this site HistorySubmitted March 05, 2020Published online May 22, 2020 © 2020 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports no articles citing this article.Related articlesEvolutionary Stability of Jointly Evolving Traits in Subdivided Populations02 Jun 2016The American Naturalist

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