
[1] In the paper “Western Scotia Sea margins: Improved constraints on the opening of the Drake Passage (Journal of Geophysical Research, 111, B06101, doi:10.1029/2006JB004361), in the caption for Figure 10, two profile numbers were reversed. The correct caption is as follows. [2] Figure 10. Magnetic anomaly distribution in the westernmost spreading corridors of the Scotia Sea, along magnetic profiles IT-41, IT-153, IT-244, and Shack71 (see Figure 1 for location), compared to a model (top of the figure) obtained assuming symmetrical spreading rates on both ridge flanks. Along line IT-153, the bathymetric profile is also displayed. The COB is the continent-ocean boundary determined from seismic data, reported here as line drawing along lines IT-244 and IT-41. TdF, Tierra del Fuego; SSR, South Scotia Ridge. See text for further details.

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