
[1] In the paper “Spatial and temporal patterns of exhumation across the Venezuelan Andes: Implications for Cenozoic Caribbean geodynamics” by Mauricio A. Bermúdez, Barry P. Kohn, Peter A. van der Beek, Matthias Bernet, Paul B. O'Sullivan, and Reginald Shagam (Tectonics, 29, TC5009, doi:10.1029/2009TC002635, 2010), there are corrections to Figure 9 caption and an additional reference. Figure 9. Possible kinematic configuration for the South American-Caribbean plate boundary zone during earliest Oligocene (Figure 9a), late Miocene (Figure 9b), and Pliocene times (Figure 9c). (a) Earliest Oligocene, widespread but relatively slow exhumation in the Venezuelan Andes, Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, and Perija range results from inversion of preexisting rift structures during regional compression, possibly related to initial subduction of Panama arc. (b) Late Miocene, rotation of the Maracaibo block (MB) is almost completed, left-lateral strike-slip displacement between the Maracaibo block and the South American plate is concentrated on the BFS, producing translation and minor rotation in the Trujillo block (TB) during its tectonic escape. Major exhumation of the SNB and SLCB occurs during this phase. (c) Pliocene, final closure of Panama arc is expressed by rapid localized exhumation in parts of the Venezuelan Andes (ECB) and Eastern Cordillera (Quetame Massif [Parra et al., 2009]). See text for more detailed discussion. Figures are modified from http://www.tectonicanalysis.com/site/caribbean/default.htm [see also Pindell and Kennan, 2009] with minor inputs from Montes et al. [2005], Corredor [2003], and Hoorn et al. [1995].

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