
Introduction. The article considers the formation of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in children. In recent years this pathology occurs more often among the adult and children population in many countries in the world. According to the modern view of the problem, this disease is considered a biopsychological disease, in the development of which an important role is played by the connection of psychological factors, dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system, motor and secretory disorders of various parts of the intestine, which can cause the discomfort, changes of intestinal habits. All these factors lead to a decrease in the quality of life in children. Purpose of research. The main goal of this research is to study the peculiarities of the status of the autonomic nervous system in children with irritable bowel syndrome and to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed therapy. Materials and methods One of the main methods for assessing the condition of the autonomic system in patients is cardiointervalography. During this examination, we calculated the index of tension, which is one of the main indicators of assessing the condition of this part of the nervous system. According to this index’s indicators, the vegetative system’s state can be divided into three main variants of functioning – vagotony, eutony, and sympathicotony. All patients were divided into groups according to the main complaints and course of IBS – IBS with constipation (IBS -C), IBS with diarrhea (IBS- D), a mixed form of IBS and an unclassified form of IBS. And also another two large groups were formed – main and control. Results. We analyzed the cardiointervalogram indicators in both groups of patients with different clinical variants of IBS. In the main group, we registered a statistically significant decrease in the index of tension and an improvement in autonomic nervous system dysfunction in patients with IBS with constipation and diarrhea. Indicators in these groups were changed from the state of vagotony and sympathicotonia to eutony. This indicates the restoration of the function of the normal function of the autonomic nervous system. Patients from the control group also showed changes in the index of tension, but the indicators stayed in the borders of vagotony and sympathicotony, and didn’t reach the level of eutony. Conclusions. Аfter the evaluation of the received data, it was proved that the use of hopanthenic acid in the complex therapy of irritable bowel syndrome effectively improve the status of the autonomic nervous system in children.

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