
Advancement genioplasty is performed to aesthetically improve the lower third of the facial profile. Excessive chin advancement alone may lead to deepened labiomental sulcus and deformed aesthetic results. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of silicone prosthesis placement as an alternative method for effacing an excessively deepened labiomental groove after advancement genioplasty. Three hundred and seventy-six patients underwent genioplasty between January 2014 and October 2017. Among these were 216 cases of advancement genioplasty, of which 79 (62 females and 17 males) underwent advancement procedures using silicone implants. Inserting the silicone implant at the sulcus easily removes the deepened groove. This procedure could be an easy and reliable method for attaining an aesthetically pleasing result in excessive advancement genioplasty.

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