
Thearticleraisesthe issue of implementing fairytale therapy method in the speec htherapy workon the formation of the coherentspeech for seniorpreschool children with the generalspeech under development. Theconceptof "coherentspeech" isrevealed, the importance of fulldevelopment of the coherent speech for the personal growthofchildren, for the irpreparation for school isemphasized. The importance of acquiring the ability and skillstoexpresscoherently in termsof a child's readin essforschoolisnoted. The authors described the difficulti esexperienced by children with the generalspeechunder development (GSU) during the development of coherent speech in preschool period. Children with the GSU of seniorpre schoolagehave a hard time mastering the narration, composing a storybasedon a series of plot pictures with the irpreviousar rangement in the sequence oftheplot, composing a storybasedon a givenmaterial. Therefore, in speechtherapy practiceit isnecessarytoin troducemore effective innovative method sforthe development of this aspectof speech in children with severe speech disorders.

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