
Magnetic field drift during magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR measurements is detrimental to the spectra, causing broadening of lines and distortion of lineshapes, especially in high-quality samples with linewidths of less than 0.1 ppm. We report that a simple linear correction for magnet drift can be used to improve the quality of proton detected MAS NMR measurements. Despite the fact that the magnetic field of superconducting magnets changes in a non-linear fashion, we find that when data acquisition is sufficiently short, a linear correction is a good approximation to the actual field drift. We used a script written in the C programming language for linear drift correction of multidimensional datasets (2D, 3D, 4D), which can be executed directly from Bruker Topspin. A second script allows datasets to be subdivided into arbitrarily short measurements, individually corrected, and concatenated before processing.

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