
PT. Fastfood Indonesia, Tbk (KFC) in terms of liquidity and profitability based on the corporate financial statements. Assessment of financial performance can be carried out by management by analyzing financial reports. The financial reports are the balance sheet and income statement from 2010 to 2019. One of the analyzes that can be used to determine the state of the company is financial ratio analysis. The data analysis method uses descriptive analysis using liquidity ratio measurements and profitability ratios. The data and information are secondary data obtained from the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Calculating the average liquidity ratio on the quick and cash ratios shows that the company's condition is in good condition. Furthermore, the current ratio shows the company's condition is not good. In contrast, the calculation of the average profitability ratio on return on assets shows that the company's condition is in good condition and the return on equity is as big as indicating that the company's condition is not good.

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